5 Simple Steps

1. Have a Plan

If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? Our clients all know their magic number; the amount of money they need to be able to stop working. They know exactly how much to save each month and, more importantly, they know why they are saving.

2. Save Regularly

How much will depend on your income and age, but as a rule of thumb, around one week’s wages per month should be used for regular savings, investments and pensions.

3. Don’t Invest in Anything You Don’t Understand

If you can’t explain how it works, then avoid it!

4. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

If an investment or a scheme sounds too good to be true then it probably is!

5. Security, Access & Growth

Property is a valuable investment, but having too much money tied up in this can result in you paying too much tax, not being able to access your money easily, and can be quite risky. To improve the security, access and growth of your investments it’s important to have a good balance.